This blog describes the steps to create and deploy Redis Enterprise Cloud Subscription and Databases as code on GCP.
Install Terraform in a centos VM. If you want to test the connection with the Redis private endpoint in the same VM after provisioning the databases, then use a VM that is part of the VPC network that you want to peer with Redis Enterprise later.
sudo yum install -y yum-utils sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo sudo yum -y install terraform # Verify version terraform --version
You may also run the terraform scripts in the cloud shell.
Here are the Terraform scripts that you need to upload to your server.
terraform { required_providers { google = { source = "hashicorp/google" version = "4.21.0" } rediscloud = { source = "RedisLabs/rediscloud" version = "0.2.9" } } } provider "rediscloud" { # Configuration options api_key = "${var.api_key}" secret_key = "${var.secret_key}" }
# You may get the values of api_key and secret_key (Also known as API user keys) by following the steps from this site,select%20the%20API%20Keys%20tab variable "api_key" { type = string default = "<my_api_key>" } variable "secret_key" { type = string default = "<my_secret_key>" } # Project name as Prefix of the Redis instance # Example: "${projname}-gacc-cache-redis" variable "projname" { type = string default = "test-project" } variable "region" { type = string default = "us-west1" } variable "preferred_zones" { type = string default = "us-west1-a" } variable "multiple_zones" { type = bool default = false } variable "cidr" { type = string default = "" }
# Generates a random password for the database resource "random_password" "passwords" { count = 3 # this number should be equal to the number of Redis database to be created length = 20 upper = true lower = true numeric = true special = false } resource "rediscloud_subscription" "MY-REDISCLOUD-SUBSCRIPTION" { name = "My-Redis-Subscription" memory_storage = "ram" cloud_provider { # Running in GCP on Redis resources provider = "GCP" region { region = "${var.region}" networking_deployment_cidr = "${var.cidr}" preferred_availability_zones = ["${var.preferred_zones}"] multiple_availability_zones = "${var.multiple_zones}" } } database { name = "${var.projname}-redis-database1" protocol = "redis" memory_limit_in_gb = 6 replication = true data_persistence = "none" throughput_measurement_by = "operations-per-second" throughput_measurement_value = 10000 password = random_password.passwords[0].result alert { name = "dataset-size" value = 80 } alert { name = "throughput-higher-than" value = 10000 } } database { name = "${var.projname}-redis-database2" protocol = "redis" memory_limit_in_gb = 6 replication = true data_persistence = "none" throughput_measurement_by = "operations-per-second" throughput_measurement_value = 10000 password = random_password.passwords[1].result alert { name = "dataset-size" value = 80 } alert { name = "throughput-higher-than" value = 10000 } } database { name = "${var.projname}-redis-database3" protocol = "redis" memory_limit_in_gb = 13 replication = true data_persistence = "aof-every-1-second" throughput_measurement_by = "number-of-shards" throughput_measurement_value = 4 password = random_password.passwords[2].result alert { name = "dataset-size" value = 80 } alert { name = "throughput-higher-than" value = 10000 } } }
# Terraform output values output "database_private_endpoints" { description = "Output private endpoints" sensitive = true value = { for database in rediscloud_subscription.MY-REDISCLOUD-SUBSCRIPTION.database: => database.private_endpoint} } output "database_passwords" { description = "Output passwords" sensitive = true value = { for database in rediscloud_subscription.MY-REDISCLOUD-SUBSCRIPTION.database: => database.password} }
Few Notes
Update Redis Enterprise Cloud API Keys in
You can get the values of api_key and secret_key (Also known as API user keys) by following the steps from this site.
The Account key identifies the account associated with the Redis Enterprise Cloud subscription.
The User key (secret_key) identifies the user and (optionally) the context of a request. Generated by account owners.
In file, add database blocks with configuration based on application requirements.
Also in the, edit the count parameter under random_password resource. The number should be equal to the number of Redis instance to be created.
Executing Terraform Commands To Create Redis Enterprise Databases
Execute terraform init command to initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files.
terraform init
Run terraform plan command to create an execution plan, which lets you preview the changes that Terraform plans to make to your infrastructure.
terraform plan
If the plan is okay, then execute terraform apply.
terraform apply
Outputting sensitive data
The database_private_endpoints and database_passwords are sensitive data. So, the contents will not be instantly outputted after executing terraform apply.
terraform output -json database_private_endpoints terraform output -json database_passwords |
To output the contents, run the commands below.
terraform output -json database_private_endpoints terraform output -json database_passwords
Verifying Redis databases from the console.
Bonus Section: VPC Peering
Google Cloud VPC Network Peering allows internal IP address connectivity across two Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks regardless of whether they belong to the same project or the same organization.
In your Redis subscription, Go to Connectivty tab, then click + Add peering.
Provide Project ID and Network Name. Then Copy the Google cloud command.
Click Initiate peering.
Configure your GCP project and region.
gcloud config set core/projectgcloud config set compute/zone zone
Execute the command to accept VPC Peering. This is the Google cloud command you copied from Redis Enterprise portal.
gcloud compute networks peerings create rl-c19541-us-west1-1-rlrcp --project--network --peer-network=c19541-us-west1-1-rlrcp --peer-project=g0c4be81afe238245-tp
Check the peering status in Redis Enterprise portal. It may take several minutes to become active.
Once the peering is successful, the status will become green.