Here are some scripts that you can use to check the health of your PostgreSQL DB servers.
Check Uptime
SELECT current_timestamp - pg_postmaster_start_time();
Monitor cache hit ratio
Tells how often your data is served from memory vs having to go to disk. 99% is a good metric for performance. Read More
SELECT sum(heap_blks_read) as heap_read, sum(heap_blks_hit) as heap_hit, sum(heap_blks_hit) / (sum(heap_blks_hit) + sum(heap_blks_read)) as ratio FROM pg_statio_user_tables;
SELECT datname, ( blks_hit * 100 /(blks_hit + blks_read) ):: numeric as hit_ratio from pg_stat_database WHERE datname not in ( 'postgres', 'template0', 'template1' );
If the hit ratio is less than 90%, there may be a problem with low allocation of shared buffers or queries doing large table scans. The hit ratio should be close to 100%. Boost shared buffers or tweak queries that do more IO.
Check unvacummed dead tupes – Get table bloat information
Bloat can slow down other write and creates other issues.
1st script:
WITH constants AS ( SELECT current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs, 23 AS hdr, 4 AS ma ), bloat_info AS ( SELECT ma,bs,schemaname,tablename, (datawidth+(hdr+ma-(case when hdr%ma=0 THEN ma ELSE hdr%ma END)))::numeric AS datahdr, (maxfracsum*(nullhdr+ma-(case when nullhdr%ma=0 THEN ma ELSE nullhdr%ma END))) AS nullhdr2 FROM ( SELECT schemaname, tablename, hdr, ma, bs, SUM((1-null_frac)*avg_width) AS datawidth, MAX(null_frac) AS maxfracsum, hdr+( SELECT 1+count(*)/8 FROM pg_stats s2 WHERE null_frac<>0 AND s2.schemaname = s.schemaname AND s2.tablename = s.tablename ) AS nullhdr FROM pg_stats s, constants GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5 ) AS foo ), table_bloat AS ( SELECT schemaname, tablename, cc.relpages, bs, CEIL((cc.reltuples*((datahdr+ma- (CASE WHEN datahdr%ma=0 THEN ma ELSE datahdr%ma END))+nullhdr2+4))/(bs-20::float)) AS otta FROM bloat_info JOIN pg_class cc ON cc.relname = bloat_info.tablename JOIN pg_namespace nn ON cc.relnamespace = nn.oid AND nn.nspname = bloat_info.schemaname AND nn.nspname <> 'information_schema' ), index_bloat AS ( SELECT schemaname, tablename, bs, COALESCE(c2.relname,'?') AS iname, COALESCE(c2.reltuples,0) AS ituples, COALESCE(c2.relpages,0) AS ipages, COALESCE(CEIL((c2.reltuples*(datahdr-12))/(bs-20::float)),0) AS iotta -- very rough approximation, assumes all cols FROM bloat_info JOIN pg_class cc ON cc.relname = bloat_info.tablename JOIN pg_namespace nn ON cc.relnamespace = nn.oid AND nn.nspname = bloat_info.schemaname AND nn.nspname <> 'information_schema' JOIN pg_index i ON indrelid = cc.oid JOIN pg_class c2 ON c2.oid = i.indexrelid ) SELECT type, schemaname, object_name, bloat, pg_size_pretty(raw_waste) as waste FROM (SELECT 'table' as type, schemaname, tablename as object_name, ROUND(CASE WHEN otta=0 THEN 0.0 ELSE table_bloat.relpages/otta::numeric END,1) AS bloat, CASE WHEN relpages < otta THEN '0' ELSE (bs*(table_bloat.relpages-otta)::bigint)::bigint END AS raw_waste FROM table_bloat UNION SELECT 'index' as type, schemaname, tablename || '::' || iname as object_name, ROUND(CASE WHEN iotta=0 OR ipages=0 THEN 0.0 ELSE ipages/iotta::numeric END,1) AS bloat, CASE WHEN ipages < iotta THEN '0' ELSE (bs*(ipages-iotta))::bigint END AS raw_waste FROM index_bloat) bloat_summary ORDER BY raw_waste DESC, bloat DESC;
2nd Script:
WITH constants AS ( -- define some constants for sizes of things -- for reference down the query and easy maintenance SELECT current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs, 23 AS hdr, 8 AS ma ) , no_stats AS ( -- screen out table who have attributes -- which dont have stats, such as JSON SELECT table_schema, table_name, n_live_tup::numeric as est_rows, pg_table_size(relid)::numeric as table_size FROM information_schema.columns JOIN pg_stat_user_tables as psut ON table_schema = psut.schemaname AND table_name = psut.relname LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_stats ON table_schema = pg_stats.schemaname AND table_name = pg_stats.tablename AND column_name = attname WHERE attname IS NULL AND table_schema NOT IN ( 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema' ) GROUP BY table_schema, table_name, relid, n_live_tup ) , null_headers AS ( -- calculate null header sizes -- omitting tables which dont have complete stats -- and attributes which aren't visible SELECT hdr + 1 + (sum( case when null_frac <> 0 THEN 1 else 0 END ) / 8) as nullhdr, SUM((1 - null_frac)*avg_width) as datawidth, MAX(null_frac) as maxfracsum, schemaname, tablename, hdr, ma, bs FROM pg_stats CROSS JOIN constants LEFT OUTER JOIN no_stats ON schemaname = no_stats.table_schema AND tablename = no_stats.table_name WHERE schemaname NOT IN ( 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema' ) AND no_stats.table_name IS NULL AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE schemaname = columns.table_schema AND tablename = columns.table_name ) GROUP BY schemaname, tablename, hdr, ma, bs ) , data_headers AS ( -- estimate header and row size SELECT ma, bs, hdr, schemaname, tablename, (datawidth + (hdr + ma - ( case when hdr % ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE hdr % ma END )))::numeric AS datahdr, (maxfracsum*(nullhdr + ma - ( case when nullhdr % ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE nullhdr % ma END ))) AS nullhdr2 FROM null_headers ) , table_estimates AS ( -- make estimates of how large the table should be -- based on row and page size SELECT schemaname, tablename, bs, reltuples::numeric as est_rows, relpages * bs as table_bytes, CEIL((reltuples* (datahdr + nullhdr2 + 4 + ma - ( CASE WHEN datahdr % ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE datahdr % ma END ) ) / (bs - 20))) * bs AS expected_bytes, reltoastrelid FROM data_headers JOIN pg_class ON tablename = relname JOIN pg_namespace ON relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND schemaname = nspname WHERE pg_class.relkind = 'r' ) , estimates_with_toast AS ( -- add in estimated TOAST table sizes -- estimate based on 4 toast tuples per page because we dont have -- anything better. also append the no_data tables SELECT schemaname, tablename, TRUE as can_estimate, est_rows, table_bytes + ( coalesce(toast.relpages, 0) * bs ) as table_bytes, expected_bytes + ( ceil( coalesce(toast.reltuples, 0) / 4 ) * bs ) as expected_bytes FROM table_estimates LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class as toast ON table_estimates.reltoastrelid = toast.oid AND toast.relkind = 't' ) , table_estimates_plus AS ( -- add some extra metadata to the table data -- and calculations to be reused -- including whether we cant estimate it -- or whether we think it might be compressed SELECT current_database() as databasename, schemaname, tablename, can_estimate, est_rows, CASE WHEN table_bytes > 0 THEN table_bytes::NUMERIC ELSE NULL::NUMERIC END AS table_bytes, CASE WHEN expected_bytes > 0 THEN expected_bytes::NUMERIC ELSE NULL::NUMERIC END AS expected_bytes, CASE WHEN expected_bytes > 0 AND table_bytes > 0 AND expected_bytes <= table_bytes THEN (table_bytes - expected_bytes)::NUMERIC ELSE 0::NUMERIC END AS bloat_bytes FROM estimates_with_toast UNION ALL SELECT current_database() as databasename, table_schema, table_name, FALSE, est_rows, table_size, NULL::NUMERIC, NULL::NUMERIC FROM no_stats ) , bloat_data AS ( -- do final math calculations and formatting select current_database() as databasename, schemaname, tablename, can_estimate, table_bytes, round(table_bytes / (1024 ^ 2)::NUMERIC, 3) as table_mb, expected_bytes, round(expected_bytes / (1024 ^ 2)::NUMERIC, 3) as expected_mb, round(bloat_bytes*100 / table_bytes) as pct_bloat, round(bloat_bytes / (1024::NUMERIC ^ 2), 2) as mb_bloat, table_bytes, expected_bytes, est_rows FROM table_estimates_plus ) -- filter output for bloated tables SELECT databasename, schemaname, tablename, can_estimate, est_rows, pct_bloat, mb_bloat, table_mb FROM bloat_data -- this where clause defines which tables actually appear -- in the bloat chart -- example below filters for tables which are either 50% -- bloated and more than 20mb in size, or more than 25% -- bloated and more than 1GB in size WHERE ( pct_bloat >= 50 AND mb_bloat >= 20 ) OR ( pct_bloat >= 25 AND mb_bloat >= 1000 ) ORDER BY pct_bloat DESC;
Finding Unused Indexes
The following query will return any unused indexes which are not part of any constraint.
SELECT s.schemaname, s.relname AS tablename, s.indexrelname AS indexname, pg_relation_size(s.indexrelid) AS index_size FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_user_indexes s JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON s.indexrelid = i.indexrelid WHERE s.idx_scan = 0 AND 0 <>ALL (i.indkey) AND NOT i.indisunique AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c WHERE c.conindid = s.indexrelid) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits AS inh WHERE inh.inhrelid = s.indexrelid) ORDER BY pg_relation_size(s.indexrelid) DESC;
Check query performance
SELECT query, calls, total_time, total_time / calls as time_per, stddev_time, rows, rows / calls as rows_per, 100.0 * shared_blks_hit / nullif(shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read, 0) AS hit_percent FROM pg_stat_statements WHERE query not similar to '%pg_%' and calls > 500 --ORDER BY calls --ORDER BY total_time order by time_per --ORDER BY rows_per DESC LIMIT 20;
Check commit ratio of database
We must engage with the application team to determine why there are so many transaction rollbacks if the commit percentage is less than 95%. Consider a scenario where many of your transactions contain DML which can result in fragmentation.
SELECT datname, round( ( xact_commit :: float * 100 /(xact_commit + xact_rollback) ):: numeric, 2 ) as successful_xact_ratio FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname not in ( 'postgres', 'template0', 'template1' );
Get the temp file usage of database
Use the log_temp_files parameter to log queries utilizing the temp files and modify the queries if you see that the temp files and bytes are high.
select datname, temp_files, round(temp_bytes / 1024 / 1024, 2) as temp_filesize_MB from pg_stat_database WHERE datname not in ( 'postgres', 'template0', 'template1' ) and temp_files > 0;
Frequency of Checkpoints
There are two important columns checkpoints_req, checkpoints_timed.
If the checkpoints_req is more than the checkpoints_timed, PostgreSQL is doing checkpoints due to the high WAL generation.
If the checkpoints are happening frequently it will cause more IO load on the machine so increase the max_wal_size parameter.
checkpoints_req > checkpoints_timed = (bad)PostgreSQL is doing checkpoints due to the high WAL generation.
Use the below query to find the frequency of the checkpoints.
Use below query to find the frequency of the checkpoints WITH sub as ( SELECT EXTRACT( EPOCH FROM (now() - stats_reset) ) AS seconds_since_start, ( checkpoints_timed + checkpoints_req ) AS total_checkpoints FROM pg_stat_bgwriter ) SELECT total_checkpoints, seconds_since_start / total_checkpoints / 60 AS minutes_between_checkpoints FROM sub;
Get top five tables with highest sequential scans
SELECT schemaname, relname, seq_scan, seq_tup_read, seq_tup_read / seq_scan as avg_seq_tup_read FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE seq_scan > 0 and pg_total_relation_size(schemaname || '.' || relname) > 104857600 and schemaname IN ('"gameserver"') ORDER BY 5 DESC LIMIT 20;
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