MariaDB/MySQL – Table Open Cache & Table Definition Cache

To improve performance, each concurrent session in MariaDB/MySQL independently access the same table. In other words, many clients could be executing queries for a given table simultaneously. This is also because MySQL/MariaDB is multithreaded. This, however, uses additional memory, but normally increases performance.

table_open_cache indicates the maximum number of tables the server can keep open in any one table cache instance.

View the current setting of table_open_cache by running the command below, or by checking the value in my.cnf

select @@table_open_cache;

There is a variable called “Open_tables”, which indicates the number of table-opening operations since the server started. This is the variable that you can check to determine whether your table cache is too small.


If the value is very large or increases rapidly, even when you have not issued many FLUSH TABLES statements, increase the table_open_cache value at server startup.

FLUSH TABLES is to force all tables to be closed to ensure that if someone adds a new table outside of MySQL, all threads will start using the new table.

Table Definition Cache

This parameter shows the number of table definitions (SHOW CREATE TABLE \G) that can be stored. This is to speed up opening of tables and only one entry per table. You should consider increasing this parameter if you have large number of tables (>400) in your DB instance.

Values between 400 and 2000 are good for table_definition_cache. Do take note that a bigger table definition cache also means that your database uses more RAM.

To check table definition cache value, run the command below.

select @@table_definition_cache;

Add this parameter in your configuration file as follows:

table_definition_cache = 16384


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MySQL/MariaDB – slave_compressed_protocol

This parameter enables compression on master/slave protocol. If both master and slave supports it, this parameter will instruct MariaDB/MysQL to use compression.

This parameter is not enabled by default.

It can be enabled in your my.cnf file (ensure to restart the DB service after enabling it to take effect)

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MariaDB/MySQL – Parallel Replication

Replication was single threaded in MariaDB 5.5 and MySQL 5.5. The previous transaction must commit on the slave before the next transaction can start.

A single I/O thread works to replicate events from the Master’s binlog to the relay log in the Slave.

On the Slave, the SQL Thread will apply those events, one after the other.

With that said, as you can imagine, replication can sometimes lag. Being single threaded, it is challenging to keep the Master and Slave in sync.

Enable Parallel Slave

To enable, indicate slave-parallel-threads=# in your my.cnf.

Configure the number (#) of worker threads to apply events in parallel for all your slaves.

If you indicate a value of zero, then that means no worker threads are created.

The value should be at least twice the number of multi-source master connections utilized.

You do not have to restart mysqld when you configure slave-parallel-threads=#, because it is a dynamic variable. However, all slaves connections must be stopped when modifying the value.

Here is a link that shows the performance improvement when using parallel replication.

SHOW PROCESSLIST to Check Worker Thread Status

Waiting for work from main SQL threadsWorker thread is idle
Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction The previous batch of transactions that committed together on the master has to complete first
Waiting for prior transaction to commitTransaction has been executed by the worker thread

Parallel Slave Queue Size

SQL thread will read ahead in the relay logs when parallel replication is used. This will queue events in memory while looking for opportunities for executing events in parallel. The system variable that sets a limit for how much memory it will use for this is slave_parallel_max_queued

In order for the SQL thread to read far enough ahead in the binary log to exploit all possible paralellism, the slave_parallel_threads system variable should be set large enough.

To prevent limit throughput, the slave_parallel_max_queued system variable could be set relatively high. It should just be set low enough that total allocation of the parallel slave queue will not cause the server to run out of memory.

Slave Parallel Mode

There are 2 options for Slave Parallel Mode: In-Order and Out-of-Order

In-order runs transactions in parallel, but instructs the commit steps of the transactions in the precise same sequence as on the master.

Out-of-order will have the ability to execute and commit transactions in a different order on the slave than primarily on the master. The application must be tolerant to viewing updates occur in random order.


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MariaDB – Troubleshoot Out-of-Memory Issues

In this blog post, we are going to discuss MariaDB crash issues due to out-of-memory (OOM), and how to troubleshoot them.

When you get this error, it clearly indicates that the server is running out of memory. In other words, the allocated memory to MariaDB is not enough to handle the process requirements.

If memory is insufficient, then we just have to increase RAM, right? Well, this is certainly one solution, but it is the easiest way out. Simply adding RAM is neither the ideal solution nor a cheaper way. A memory-intensive query or process can eventually eat up the added memory, and can lead to errors in a short span of time.

Common Causes of Out-Of-Memory Issues

  1. Non-optimal tables and queries
  2. MySQL Server Configuration
  3. Memory-intensive processes
  4. Poor hardware resources
    • Insufficient RAM
    • Lack of disk space

Here are the ways to troubleshoot

  1. Check Linux OS and Config
    • Check /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog. Try to find an entry where it says something like “OOM killer killed MySQL”. Once you find it, the surrounding details will give you clues.
    • Check available RAM.
      • free -g
      • cat /proc/meminfo
    • Issue “top” command to see what applications are consuming RAM.
    • Run vmstat 5 5 to view if the system is swapping and if it is reading/writing via virtual memory.
  2. Check MariaDB. Look for possible MariaDB memory leaks
    • These are the places where MariaDB allocates most of the memory:
      • Table cache
      • InnoDB (execute show engine innodb status, and look for buffer_pool and associated caches in the buffer pool section.
      • Identify if there are temporary tables in RAM (select * from information_schema.tables where engine=’MEMORY’;)
      • Prepared statements, when it is not removed from the set of resources (show global status like ‘Com_prepare_sql’; show global status like ‘Com_dealloc_sql’)


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MariaDB – How to Resolve Slow/Lagging Replication

In our environment where we have thousands of MariaDB servers, 95% of the reason why replication is slow or lagging is because there are many tables that do not have primary key.

Below is an example of what we can see in show processlist when the SQL Thread is lagging because many tables do not have primary keys.

Below is a script to check tables that do not have a primary key.

SELECT tables.table_schema, 
FROM   information_schema.tables 
       LEFT JOIN (SELECT table_schema, 
                  FROM   information_schema.statistics 
                  GROUP  BY table_schema, 
                  HAVING Sum(CASE 
                               WHEN non_unique = 0 
                                    AND nullable != 'YES' THEN 1 
                               ELSE 0 
                             end) = Count(*)) puks 
              ON tables.table_schema = puks.table_schema 
                 AND tables.table_name = puks.table_name 
WHERE  puks.table_name IS NULL 
       AND tables.table_schema NOT IN ( 'mysql', 'information_schema', 
                                        , 'sys' ) 
       AND tables.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' 
       AND engine = 'InnoDB'; 

Using the script above, I counted how many tables do not have primary key, and found out that there are 64 tables.

Having a primary key should be the norm/best practice in terms of designing schema anyway.

We have to ensure all our tables have primary key. This will guarantee that all rows are unique, and it will make the SQL thread locate rows to delete (or update) easily.

If there is no way to logically add a natural primary key for the table, a potential solution is to add an auto-increment unsigned integer column as the primary key.


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MariaDB – Streaming Backup Using mbstream When Provisioning a Slave

In this blog post, I will be showing you the commands that we can use to do streaming backup using mbstream, and how to redirect the stream to a slave , which can be useful especially when you have insufficient disk space in the Master server to hold multiple copies of backup images.

To redirect backup stream to a slave server, we use the socat utility.

Socat stands for Socket Cat. It is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels.

You can install socat using the command below

yum install -y socat

This is the first command that we will execute in Slave.

mkdir -p /mariadb/backup/rep/full_backup_`date +%Y%m%d`
BKPREPDIR=/mariadb/backup/rep/full_backup_`date +%Y%m%d`
socat -d -d TCP4-LISTEN:9999 STDOUT | ssh  mysql@<slave_ip>  \ 
"mbstream --directory=$BKPREPDIR -x"

The following is the breakdown of the command.

After the socat keyword, the next part of the command is the option part. The -d -d option prints fatal, error, warning, and notice messages.

Followed by the standard out stream keyword.

The next part of the command is the address type, option, and port.

Then after a pipe, the next command is the ssh connection to Slave. The port in ssh connection string is optional.

Now, Socat will listen on port 9999, and whatever it gets on port 9999, it will stream it to slave server, and to the directory that we specify.

When we execute this command in the slave server, this is what it should look like.

Below is the same command, but without the ssh connection port.

The following is the next command to be executed in the Master.

CONNECTION_STRING="--user=$USER --password=$PASS"

mariabackup --defaults-file=${DEFAULT_FILES} ${CONNECTION_STRING} \ 
--backup --compress --stream=mbstream  --parallel=4 \
--compress-threads=12 | socat - TCP4:<slave_ip>:9999

The –compress-threads option defines the number of worker threads to use in compression. It can be used together with –parallel option. In the example above, we use –parallel=4, and –compress-threads=12. This means that it will create 4 I/O threads to read the data; then pipe it to 12 threads for compression.

When we execute the mariabackup command in the Master, below is what we will observe in slave. We will see that it is starting to do data transfer.

When the backup finishes, we will see that it exits with status 0.


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MariaDB – Setup GTID Replication using MariaBackup Step-by-Step

In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to setup GTID replication using Mariabackup.

There are 2 main benefits of using global transaction:

  1. Failover is easier than with file-based replication.
  2. the state of the slave is recorded in a crash-safe way.

Here are the general steps:

  • Enable binary logging on the master
  • Enable GTID
  • Create a replication user on the master
  • Set a unique server_id on the slave
  • Take backup from the master
  • Restore on the slave
  • Execute the CHANGE MASTER TO command
  • Start the replication

1. Ensure that the server_id value and bind_address are configured differently in my.cnf in each of the server that will be part of the replication.

In this example, we will configure a 2 node master-slave setup. The bind-address is the hostname IP.

vi my.cnf

In Master:


In Replica:


2. Enable binary logging and GTID strict mode in both servers

show global variables like 'log_bin';

| Variable_name | Value |
| log_bin       | ON    |

show global variables like '%gtid_strict_mode%';

| Variable_name    | Value |
| gtid_strict_mode | ON    |

If bin logging is not enabled, you may do so by adding the line below in my.cnf

log-bin = db1-bin

# Or specify an different path

log-bin = /mariadb/bin/logs/bin_logs/bin_log

Restart DB service for the change to take effect.

sudo service mysql stop

sudo serivice mysql start

If gtid is not enabled, add the line below in my.cnf, then enable it globally.

Add this line in cnf


Login to MariaDB, then set global_script_mode=1.

set global gtid_strict_mode=1;

3. Create a user in Master.

The replica is going to use this user connection to read the binary logs on the master and then put those into the relay logs on the replica.

CREATE USER 'repl'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'P@$$w0rd';

4. Install qpress (As root) in both Master and Slave for compression/decompression.

sudo yum install -y

yum install qpress -y

5. In Master, Take a full backup of the database using Mariabackup.

mariabackup --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --backup --compress \
--target-dir=/mariadb/backup/full_backup --user=username \
--password=pass --backup --compress --parallel=4

6. In Replica, create a directory where we will place the backup from Master

mkdir -p /mariadb/backup/rep

7. In Master, use scp to transfer the entire backup image to the replica.

# Go to the directory where you placed the backup 
cd /mariadb/backup

scp -rp full_backup mysql@

8. In Replica, Stop DB Service

sudo service mysql stop

# Verify that DB service has been stopped
ps -ef| grep mysqld

9. In Replica, Remove all contents in Data Directory.

mkdir -p /mariadb/data/old_data
mv /mariadb/data/* /mariadb/data/old_data/
rm -rf /mariadb/data/old_data/

# Ensure that the data directory is empty
cd /mariadb/data
ls -la

10. In Replica, copy the backup image to data directory.

cp -rp /mariadb/backup/rep/full_backup /mariadb/data

11. In Replica, decompress and prepare backup image.

MEMORY=`grep -w innodb_buffer_pool_size /mariadb/bin/etc/my.cnf | cut -d'=' -f2`

mariabackup --decompress --parallel=4 --remove-original --use-memory=$MEMORY --target-dir=full_backup

12. In Replica, prepare backup.

MARIADB_VERSION=`rpm -qa | grep MariaDB-server | grep -v debuginfo | cut -d'-' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f2`

if [ $MARIADB_VERSION -le 3 ] ; then mariabackup --prepare --apply-log-only --use-memory=$MEMORY --target-dir=full_backup; fi

mariabackup --prepare --use-memory=$MEMORY --target-dir=full_backup

13. In Replica, cleanup data directory, and move all files from full_backup to data directory.

ls -1v /mariadb/data | grep -v $FULL | xargs rm -rf
mv /mariadb/data/$FULL/* /mariadb/data

14. In Replica, Delete the full_backup directory.

cd /mariadb/data
rm -rf /mariadb/data/full_backup

15. In Replica, Rotate error logs.

cd /mariadb/bin/logs/db_logs
mv error_mariadb.log error_mariadb_`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.log
touch error_mariadb.log

16. In Replica, Start DB Service.

sudo service mysql start

# Check if there are any errors
cat /mariadb/bin/logs/db_logs/error_mariadb.log

17. In Replica, Check GTID. Take note of the GTID, because we need to use it for the next step.

cat /mariadb/data/xtrabackup_info | grep -i GTID

18. In Replica, Login in to the DB, and set the global gtid_slave_pos.

stop slave; reset slave; reset slave all; reset master; set global gtid_slave_pos='above_GTID_number_from_step18';

19. In Replica, still logged in to the DB, execute the change master to command.

change master to master_host='', master_port=6603, master_user='repl', master_password='P@$$w0rd', master_connect_retry=10, master_use_gtid=slave_pos;

20. In Replica, set enable read_only.

set global read_only=1;

21. Start slave.

start slave;

22. Check replication status.

show slave status\G


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