SQL Server – How To Configure Peer-to-Peer Replication in SQL Server 2016

First, let’s run through the Replication components before we setup Peer-to-Peer replication.

  • Article – the object we want to replicate
  • Publication – Group of articles
  • Publisher – Server that contains publication
  • Subscriber – Receives publication
  • Distributor – Controls agent and tracks subscribers
  • Agent – Tasks to move data

What is Peer-to-Peer Replication?

In Peer-to-Peer, what it does is that it takes the one-way street where everything that happens in the publisher gets pushed off to the subscriber and turns it into a two-way street (bi-directional replication). Everything that happens in the subscriber can also be pushed to the publisher. In Peer-to -Peer, we only have conflict detection not conflict resolution. The key with peer to peer is  to avoid conflict entirely.

Steps To Setup Peer-to-Peer Replication:

1. Create distribution on all instances that are participating in Peer-to-Peer.

You must configure a distributor for each node that will be participating in peer-to-peer else you will encounter the error below.

To set up distributor, follow the steps below.

right-click on Replication > Configure Distribution…

Click Next.

Choose the first option. Click Next.

Specify a snapshot folder path. Click Next.

Click Next.

Click Next.

Click Next.

Click Finish.

Click Close.

Note: Do the same for all the instances that will be participating in Peer-to-Peer Replication

2. Backup the databases to replicate then restore it in the subscriber node (data needs to be synchronized first before we configure peer-to-peer)

3. Create publication.

Right-click on Local Publication > New Publication…

Click Next.

Choose the database where the articles to be published are located. Click Next.

Choose Peer-to-Peer Publication. Click Next.

Choose the object/s to publish. Click Next.

Click Next.

It is a best practice to specify the account that you will use to run the Log Reader Agent process. However, for the purpose of this Demo, I will just use the SQL Server Agent service account. Click OK.

Click Next.

Optionally, you can generate a script file with steps to create the publication. I will not choose to in this demo.

Click Next.

Give your publication a name then click Finish.

Click Close.

4. Configure Peer-to-Peer topology.

Right-click on your publication > Configure Peer-to-Peer Topology.

Choose the newly created publication. Click Next.

Hover your cursor on the first node. Take note of the Peer originator id. As you can see, it is 100.

Now, on the topology Wizard,  right-click on the design surface> Add a New Peer Node.

Connect to subscriber node.

Select the database on your subscriber. This is the database that we restored from your publisher. If you recall, at the beginning of this tutorial, that we backed up the database that we want to replicate and restored it in the subscriber node.

The Peer Originator ID of the first node is 100 remember? This is now the 2nd node and we will set the Peer Originator ID to 101. If we want add more nodes to the topology, then just set the Peer Originator ID of the next node to 102, the next node to 103, etc. You get the idea.

Tick Connect to ALL displayed nodes and choose Use Push subscription (optionally you can choose Pull subscription)

Click OK.

Now we can see the 2nd node that we just added visually on the design surface.

Click Next.

Click the ellipsis…

It is a best practice to specify an account that you will use to run the Log Reader Agent process. However, for the purpose of this Demo, I will just use the SQL Server Agent service account. Click OK.

Click Next.

Click the ellipsis…

It is a best practice  to specify an account that you will use to run the Distribution Agent process. However, for the purpose of this Demo, I will just use the SQL Server Agent service account. Click OK.

Tick the “Use the first peer’s security settings for all other peers”. This is useful especially if you have many peers configured.

Click Next.

In the next page of the wizard,  we have to specify how we want the new peer(s) to be initialized. Choose the first option if you know that there are no changes made since the last the backup was taken. However, if there were data modification after the backup was taken, choose the second option.

Click Next.

Review the choices that you have made, then click Finish.

Click Close.

In this blog post,  we have learned how to setup Peer-to-Peer Replication. Everything that happens in the subscriber will also be published to the publisher. Just take note that in Peer-to-Peer, we only have conflict detection not conflict resolution. We have to avoid conflict entirely.



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SQL Server – Get Index Creation Date

There are many T-SQL scripts to get the index creation date but I always use this one.

 DECLARE @filename VARCHAR(500) 
SELECT @filename = CAST(value AS VARCHAR(500)) 
FROM fn_trace_getinfo(DEFAULT) 
WHERE property = 2 
  AND value IS NOT NULL 

-- Go back 4 files since default trace only keeps the last 5 and start from there.
SELECT @filename = substring(@filename, 0, charindex('_', @filename)+1) + convert(varchar, (convert(int, substring(left(@filename, len(@filename)-4), charindex('_', @filename)+1, len(@filename)))-4)) + '.trc'

       te.Name AS EventName,
FROM fn_trace_gettable(@fileName, DEFAULT) gt 
JOIN sys.trace_events te ON gt.EventClass = te.trace_event_id 
WHERE EventClass = 46
  and ObjectType = 22601
  and gt.DatabaseName <> 'tempdb'
ORDER BY StartTime desc; 
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SQL Server – Get VLF Counts for All Databases in an Instance

Below is a script to get the VLF count for all databases on an instance.


    RecoveryUnitID INT
    ,FileID INT
    ,FileSize BIGINT
    ,StartOffset BIGINT
    ,FSeqNo BIGINT
    ,Status BIGINT
    ,Parity BIGINT
    ,CreateLSN NUMERIC(38)

    DatabaseName sysname
    ,VLFCount INT
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb N'Use [?];

        INSERT INTO #VLFInfo
        EXEC sp_executesql N''DBCC LOGINFO([?])'';

        INSERT INTO #VLFCountResults
        SELECT DB_NAME(), COUNT(*)
        FROM #VLFInfo;


    VLFCount DESC


-- High VLF counts can affect write performance
-- and they can make database restored and recovery take much longer


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SQL Server – Check Latest Transaction Log Backup

To know what the last transaction log backup of your database was, execute the T-SQL script below.




CONVERT(CHAR(100),​​ SERVERPROPERTY('Servername'))​​ AS​​ ServerName,

 msdb.dbo.backupset.database_name​​ AS​​ DatabaseName,

MAX(msdb.dbo.backupset.backup_finish_date)​​ AS​​ Last_TLog_Backup_Date

FROM​​ msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily

INNER​​ JOIN​​ msdb.dbo.backupset​​ ON​​ msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily.media_set_id​​ =​​ msdb.dbo.backupset.media_set_id

WHERE​​ msdb..backupset.type​​ =​​ 'L'






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SQL Server – Check SQL Server Error Logs via T-SQL

Below is a script​​ to check SQL Server Error​​ logs.



declare​​ @Time_Start​​ datetime;

declare​​ @Time_End​​ datetime;

set​​ @Time_Start=getdate()-2;

set​​ @Time_End=getdate();

-- Create the temporary table

CREATE​​ TABLE​​ #ErrorLog​​ (logdate​​ datetime

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ,​​ processinfo​​ varchar(255)

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ,​​ Message​​ varchar(MAX))

-- Populate the temporary table

INSERT​​ #ErrorLog​​ (logdate,​​ processinfo,​​ Message)

 ​​ ​​​​ EXEC​​ master.dbo.xp_readerrorlog​​ 0,​​ 1,​​ null,​​ null​​ ,​​ @Time_Start,​​ @Time_End,​​ N'desc';

-- Filter the temporary table

SELECT​​ LogDate,​​ Message​​ FROM​​ #ErrorLog

WHERE​​ (Message​​ LIKE​​ '%error%'​​ OR​​ Message​​ LIKE​​ '%failed%')​​ AND​​ processinfo​​ NOT​​ LIKE​​ 'logon'

ORDER​​ BY​​ logdate​​ DESC

-- Drop the temporary table​​ 

DROP​​ TABLE​​ #ErrorLog



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SQL Server – TSQL Script to Check Job Run Status

Below is a T-SQL script to check SQL job​​ run​​ status.



--Checking for SQL Server verion

IF​​ CONVERT(tinyint,(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(CHAR(1),SERVERPROPERTY('productversion')),1,1)))​​ <>​​ 8


---This is for SQL 2k5 and SQL2k8 servers


SELECT​​ Convert(varchar(20),SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'))​​ AS​​ ServerName,

j.name​​ AS​​ job_name,

CASE​​ j.enabled​​ WHEN​​ 1​​ THEN​​ 'Enabled'​​ Else​​ 'Disabled'​​ END​​ AS​​ job_status,

CASE​​ jh.run_status​​ WHEN​​ 0​​ THEN​​ 'Error Failed'

WHEN​​ 1​​ THEN​​ 'Succeeded'

WHEN​​ 2​​ THEN​​ 'Retry'

WHEN​​ 3​​ THEN​​ 'Cancelled'

WHEN​​ 4​​ THEN​​ 'In Progress'​​ ELSE

'Status Unknown'​​ END​​ AS​​ 'last_run_status',

ja.run_requested_date​​ as​​ last_run_date,

CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),CONVERT(DATETIME,RTRIM(19000101))+(jh.run_duration​​ *​​ 9​​ +​​ jh.run_duration​​ %​​ 10000​​ *​​ 6​​ +​​ jh.run_duration​​ %​​ 100​​ *​​ 10)​​ /​​ 216e4,108)​​ AS​​ run_duration,


CONVERT(VARCHAR(500),jh.message)​​ AS​​ step_description


(msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity ja​​ LEFT​​ JOIN​​ msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh​​ ON​​ ja.job_history_id​​ =​​ jh.instance_id)

join​​ msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view​​ j​​ on​​ ja.job_id​​ =​​ j.job_id

WHERE​​ ja.session_id=(SELECT​​ MAX(session_id) ​​​​ from​​ msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity)​​ ORDER​​ BY​​ job_name,job_status




--This is for​​ SQL2k servers



--Getting information from sp_help_job to a temp table

SET​​ @SQL='SELECT job_id,name AS job_name,CASE enabled WHEN 1 THEN ''Enabled'' ELSE ''Disabled'' END AS job_status,

CASE last_run_outcome WHEN 0 THEN ''Error Failed''

 WHEN 1 THEN ''Succeeded''

 WHEN 2 THEN ''Retry''

 WHEN 3 THEN ''Cancelled''

 WHEN 4 THEN ''In Progress'' ELSE

 ''Status Unknown'' END AS ​​ last_run_status,

CASE RTRIM(last_run_date) WHEN 0 THEN 19000101 ELSE​​ last_run_date END last_run_date,

CASE RTRIM(last_run_time) WHEN 0 THEN 235959 ELSE last_run_time END last_run_time,​​ 

CASE RTRIM(next_run_date) WHEN 0 THEN 19000101 ELSE next_run_date END next_run_date,​​ 

CASE RTRIM(next_run_time) WHEN 0 THEN 235959 ELSE next_run_time END next_run_time,

last_run_date AS lrd, last_run_time AS lrt

INTO ##jobdetails

FROM OPENROWSET(''sqloledb'', ''server=(local);trusted_connection=yes'', ''set fmtonly off exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_job'')'

exec​​ (@SQL)

--Merging run date & time format, adding run duration and adding step description

select​​ Convert(varchar(20),SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'))​​ AS​​ ServerName,jd.job_name,jd.job_status,jd.last_run_status,

CONVERT(DATETIME,RTRIM(jd.last_run_date))​​ +(jd.last_run_time​​ *​​ 9​​ +​​ jd.last_run_time​​ %​​ 10000​​ *​​ 6​​ +​​ jd.last_run_time​​ %​​ 100​​ *​​ 10)​​ /​​ 216e4​​ AS​​ last_run_date,

CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),CONVERT(DATETIME,RTRIM(19000101))+(jh.run_duration​​ *​​ 9​​ +​​ jh.run_duration​​ %​​ 10000​​ *​​ 6​​ +​​ jh.run_duration​​ %​​ 100​​ *​​ 10)​​ /​​ 216e4,108)​​ AS​​ run_duration,

CONVERT(DATETIME,RTRIM(jd.next_run_date))​​ +(jd.next_run_time​​ *​​ 9​​ +​​ jd.next_run_time​​ %​​ 10000​​ *​​ 6​​ +​​ jd.next_run_time​​ %​​ 100​​ *​​ 10)​​ /​​ 216e4​​ AS​​ next_scheduled_run_date,

CONVERT(VARCHAR(500),jh.message)​​ AS​​ step_description

from​​ (##jobdetails jd ​​ LEFT​​ JOIN ​​​​ msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh​​ ON​​ jd.job_id=jh.job_id​​ AND​​ jd.lrd=jh.run_date​​ AND​​ jd.lrt=jh.run_time)​​ where​​ step_id=0​​ or​​ step_id​​ is​​ null

order​​ by​​ jd.job_name,jd.job_status

--dropping the temp table

drop​​ table​​ ###jobdetails



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SQL Server – Setup SQL Profiler to Capture Costly Queries / Stored Procedures

  • Click Tools >​​ SQL Server Profiler




  • Connect to the instance




  • On this page, perform the following:

    • Indicate​​ Trace name

    • Choose ​​ “Tuning” template

    • Save to file

    • Set​​ 1000​​ maximum file size

    • Set trace stop time (optional. You may stop the trace anytime)




  • Go to​​ Events​​ Selection​​ tab




  • Tick​​ Show all columns​​ and choose the following columns




  • Click​​ Column Filters






  • Filter​​ DatabaseName​​ and​​ Duration​​ (>= 500ms)




  • Click​​ Run


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SQL Server – Get CPU Usage History for last 256 minutes

The other day, I was asked by our Application Team Lead to check why the CPU usage is very high in the Production DB server. It remained consistently high throughout the day. He asked whether it is coming from SQL Server or other processes.



Below is a useful script to review the CPU usage history for last 256 minutes (This will work on SQL Server 2008 and up)​​ 



DECLARE​​ @ts_now​​ bigint​​ =​​ (SELECT​​ cpu_ticks/(cpu_ticks/ms_ticks)​​ FROM​​ sys.dm_os_sys_info​​ WITH​​ (NOLOCK));​​ 


SELECT​​ TOP(256)​​ SQLProcessUtilization​​ AS​​ [SQL Server Process CPU Utilization],​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ SystemIdle​​ AS​​ [System Idle Process],​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 100​​ -​​ SystemIdle​​ -​​ SQLProcessUtilization​​ AS​​ [Other Process CPU Utilization],​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ DATEADD(ms,​​ -1​​ *​​ (@ts_now​​ -​​ [timestamp]),​​ GETDATE())​​ AS​​ [Event Time]​​ 

FROM​​ (​​ 

  ​​​​ SELECT​​ record.value('(./Record/@id)[1]',​​ 'int')​​ AS​​ record_id,​​ 

 record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/SystemIdle)[1]',​​ 'int')​​ 

AS​​ [SystemIdle],​​ 



AS​​ [SQLProcessUtilization],​​ [timestamp]​​ 

  ​​​​ FROM​​ (​​ 

SELECT​​ [timestamp],​​ CONVERT(xml,​​ record)​​ AS​​ [record]​​ 

FROM​​ sys.dm_os_ring_buffers​​ WITH​​ (NOLOCK)

WHERE​​ ring_buffer_type​​ =​​ N'RING_BUFFER_SCHEDULER_MONITOR'​​ 

AND​​ record​​ LIKE​​ N'%<SystemHealth>%')​​ AS​​ x​​ 

  ​​​​ )​​ AS​​ y​​ 

ORDER​​ BY​​ record_id​​ DESC​​ OPTION​​ (RECOMPILE);



Now, if the value in “Other Process CPU Utilization (%)” column is higher​​ than​​ “SQL Server Process CPU”, then you may​​ ask​​ your sys admins to investigate the cause. But in our case, it​​ was indicated​​ clearly that the cause of high CPU usage was coming from SQL Server Process.​​ Below is the output of the​​ script.




After seeing the results, I investigated from the SQL queries perspective and found out that there are few​​ expensive queries that are​​ causing high CPU usage. ​​ How did I find out? That would be the subject of another blog.​​ 

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SQL Server – Error: 5042 – The file ‘MyFileName’ cannot be removed because it is not empty.

I was trying to delete a data file but I encountered the error below.


Error: 5042 - The file 'MyFileName' cannot be removed because it is not empty.




I executed the script below​​ to empty the file.





After the file has been emptied, I was able to remove the data file.






EMPTYFILE​​ Migrates all data from the specified file to other files in the same filegroup. In other words, EmptyFile will migrate the data from the specified file to other files in the same filegroup. Emptyfile assures you that no new data will be added to the file.The file can be removed by using the ALTER DATABASE statement.

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SQL Server – Agent Job Fails with Error: Unable to connect to SQL Server ‘(local)’. The step failed

I was​​ checking one of our client’s DB server for the first time.​​ I noticed a​​ couple of their SQL Agent Jobs have been failing due to the error “Unable to connect to SQL Server ‘(local)’”




The reason for this error is because the Database (drop down box) to run the step from is empty.




The solution is to choose the relevant database to run the job step against.


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